Great for college students, high school students, and professionals:
- introduce the latest technologies
- learn, how you learn
- see if you fit the dyslexia profile
- learn how to take notes based on your strengths
- supply tips for note taking and getting thoughts on paper
- explain your learning style so you are empowered to use your strengths to overcome common issues with our langauge
Adults with Dyslexia in NJ
Find our more about your learning style with our 1 hour consultation.
And we also tutor adults with our reading program that was designed for adults.
Professionals and students we have helped so far:
- help with GED goals
- help with Certifications
- plumbers
- doctors
- detectives
- professional athletes
- parents going back into the workforce
- college students
- entrepreneurs
for start up businesses. Offering ideas and marketing and website guidance - teachers